Time Complexity of Insertion SortThe worst-case time complexity of the Insertion sort is O(N^2)The average case time complexity of the…

Sometimes it is quick and easy to run snippet code to test something before adding it to your project code…

Creational Patterns Abstract Factory Builder Factory Method Prototype Singleton Behavioral Patterns Chain of Responsibility Command Interpreter Mediator Memento Observer State…

macOS macOS is a Unix-like operating system build by Apple Inc. It is the main operating system for Mac computers.…

To quickly see the version of a Windows installation, do the following: (1) Windows Key + R(2) Type the following into…

scrcpy (“screen copy”) is a great utility for displaying and controlling an Android device through a USB connection. No root…

In the world of Information Technology, the status of various online services is very important. Since (almost) all data lives…